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Feb 07, 2024
In Education & Study
An ellipse is a stretched-out circle. It's not just any stretched-out circle though; an ellipse is not an oval, not an egg, not a lemon, not a squircle, nor a capsule. To make an ellipse out of a circle, it must be stretched by a consistent factor. The red curve above is what's known as an ellipse. An ellipse has two quantities that are unique from a circle, namely its focal points, and its major and minor axes. The two focal points of an ellipse have a property such that the sum of the distance from any point of the ellipse to each focal point is equal to the length of its major axis, which brings us to our second quantities. The major and minor axes of an ellipse are its longest and shortest "diameter" respectively. To clear up any confusion, the line connecting both purple points in the picture above is its major axis. Meanwhile, the line connecting both green points is its minor axis. Dividing an axis by two gives us a semi-major axis which is the ellipse's "radius". Unlike the three points needed to create a circle, five points are needed to create an ellipse. This is because there are two new geometric properties introduced in an ellipse, which are its aspect ratio and rotation. The aspect ratio of an ellipse is the ratio of its major axis to its minor axis. The rotation of an ellipse is just how tilted it is from the x-axis or y-axis. This property is only significant in analytical geometry. That aside, the five points needed to create an ellipse can be translated into five variables to modify an ellipse. In the equation I made, the five variables I chose are its tilt (ϕ), its aspect ratio (a), its center's x-coordinate (c), its center's y-coordinate (d), and its "vertical" radius (r). with ρ being sqrt(1−ϕ²). (Note: When I use the words "horizontal" or "vertical", I am referring to the orientation of the ellipse's axes with zero tilt.) Honestly, I was going to explain how I got the equation above, but I ain't got time for allat, so I'll just explain what most of the shit here means. We'll start from the (x-c)'s and the (y-d)'s; these are standard translation operations. For the rho's and the phi's, well, they are modified rotation matrices. They used to be cosine and sine functions of an angle, but I decided against using trigonometric functions to keep it fully algebraic. With that, I transformed the sine function into a variable ϕ (which I bounded between -1 and 1). The a in the leftmost side of the equation is to stretch its "horizontal" diameter of the ellipse; the further away from 1 it gets, the more stretched out it becomes. Finally, the right-hand side of the equation is just to scale up the ellipse. I initially filled it out with a zero but then realized it wouldn't work; the ellipse had to have a size. The black lines are made with these two equations. These are standard line equations, but the gradients are... how did I get these gradients? Trial and error, my friend. For the points, I, uh, trial and error again. Sorta. Why there are four focal points is because I couldn't find out a way to switch their locations from the "horizontal" axis to the "vertical" axis. Basically, I made two points for the case where the "horizontal" axis was longer than its "vertical" axis, and vice versa with the curly brackets acting as an if-then statement. The purple points mark the edges of the "vertical" diameter; they are the center of the ellipse translated <horizontal axis length> units away according to the gradient of the corresponding black lines. The green points are the center translated <vertical axis length> units away according to the gradient of the other black line. This is the Desmos link if you want to try out stretching or rotating ellipses!
Ellipses content media
Nov 25, 2023
In Education & Study
The theory of special relativity states two postulates: • the laws of physics are equal for every inertial observer, • the speed of light is constant for all inertial observers. Common sense tells us that the sum of two objects' speeds is done by simply adding them together. However, this naïve assumption would break the second postulate of special relativity—resulting in the speed of light changing whenever an object moves. So, how do we derive the correct formula for adding speeds? This is where linear transformations come into play. In two-dimensional space, eigenvectors are two vectors that do not change directions in a linear transformation. Eigenvectors will be crucial in deriving our formula, as our transformation matrix must obey two requirements: • the observer's speed shall become zero, relative to the observer, • the speed of light shall remain constant. We can create a graph of lines, each representing a different speed. The horizontal axis represents time; Meanwhile, the vertical axis represents position. Therefore, the slopes of these lines represent the object's speed. (The two thick black lines represent the speed of light. No, this is not at all related to light dispersion—I just wanted to make it look pretty.) Before we begin, let's assign variables to some terms. c will represent the velocities of light—traveling forward (1, 1) or backward (1, -1), A will be our 2×2 transformation matrix (c is not to be confused with c), λ will be the eigenvalues of A, v will be a vector that represents the observer's velocity from a reference point O, with v being its speed, and v' will be a vector representing the observer's velocity according to themself, with 0 being the speed and p representing the scale (a practically unimportant variable). Our goal is to find a matrix transformation A such that: • The observer's speed becomes zero. In other words, A transforms (1, v) into (p, 0). • The speed of light stays constant. In other words, (1, 1) and (1, -1) are eigenvectors of A. Let us begin. Our second postulate gives the following equation: We can substitute the values of I, A, and c into this equation, giving us λ₁ - a - b = 0 ...(1) -c + λ₁ - d = 0 ...(2) Additionally, we can substitute c with the negative velocity of light, which gets us λ₂ - a + b = 0 ...(3) -c - λ₂ + d = 0 ...(4) Subtracting (3) from (1) gives us λ₁ - a - b - λ₂ + a - b = 0 λ₁ - λ₂ - 2b = 0 b = ½(λ₁ - λ₂) Adding (2) and (4) gives us -c + λ₁ - d - c - λ₂ + d = 0 -2c + λ₁ - λ₂ = 0 c = ½(λ₁ - λ₂) Hence, b = c Adding (1) and (3) gives us λ₁ + λ₂ - 2a = 0 a = ½(λ₁ + λ₂) Subtracting (4) from (2) gives us λ₁ + λ₂ - 2d = 0     d = ½(λ₁ + λ₂) Hence, a = d Our first postulate gives the following equation: With matrix multiplication, we find that     c + dv = 0     c = -dv We can substitute everything we know into our matrix A, which gets us: Let's define two new variables. u: the speed of a moving object from a reference point O u': the speed of the object according to our observer (Δs and Δt are distance and time changes) Now that we've got the values of Δs' and Δt', we can substitute them into u'. Now you know how to add near-light-speed velocities together! This is just the beginning. We haven't even touched time dilation, length contraction, etc. You could derive formulas for those from the matrix we've got, but who the hell wants to do that LMFAO
Special Relativity and Eigenvectors content media
Oct 10, 2023
In Education & Study
This is going to be one of my more unique posts, since instead of talking about topics that are in Indonesia's national curriculum, I'll be talking about a specific math problem. The integral of a function is the area below the function's curve. You could calculate an integral by summing small rectangles, which helps approximate the value of the integral. Although, what happens if we do it the other way? What if we used integrals to approximate the area of said rectangles? Chapter I: Discrete summation and the sigma notation Discrete summation is basically the opposite of continuous summation. An integral is a continuous summation, hence it deals with fractions and really small lengths or areas. Meanwhile, discrete summation deals with finite numbers, ones that we could measure or count. The sigma notation is a way to represent summation. It has four main elements: the first term, the last term, the variable, and the expression. In this case, 1 is the first term, 10 is the last term, n is the variable, and 2n is the expression. This whole expression represents the value of 2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 20. Let's see another example: Here, 1 is the first term, 5 is the last term, i is the variable, and Uᵢ is the expression. Therefore, this expression represents the sum of U₁, U₂, all the way to U₅, whatever these variables may represent. Chapter II: Definite Integrals A definite integral is a bounded area under a curve. (Although if the "bound" is infinity, it technically isn't bounded.) Definite integrals are written similarly to the sigma notation: a lower bound, an upper bound, an integration variable, and an expression a.k.a. function. (Note: the lower bound doesn't necessarily have to be a smaller number than the upper bound, this just negates the result.) Here, -1 represents the lower bound, 3 represents the upper bound, x² represents the function, and dx represents the integration variable. There's also a visualization of what an "area under the curve" looks like, just in case you haven't understood what it is yet. Chapter III: Riemann Sum The Riemann sum is a way to approximate the value of a definite integral by calculating the areas of thin rectangles that have varying heights, depending on the value of a function at a certain point. A notable feature of this method is that the value of the Riemann sum gets closer to the integral's true value as the rectangles become thinner. Chapter IV: The Problem "Instead of using a sum to approximate an integral, is it possible to derive a formula that uses an integral to approximate a sum?" This problem can be represented with a graph, with the black graph representing a function f(x) and the blue graph representing the value of f(⌈x⌉) where ⌈x⌉ is the nearest whole number bigger than x. This transforms the problem into deriving a formula that approximates the area under the blue graph (from x₀-1 to x₁) with the integral of the black curve (from x₀-1 to x₁) plus the area of the shaded blue region. Chapter V: Formula Derivation We will now derive a formula to calculate the area beneath the blue graph from (x₀-1) to x₁. The Area Under the Blue Graph In the picture above, you can see ten individual blue rectangles with equal width (notice the small rectangle to the left x₀, but ignore the blue rectangle past x₁). As is seen above, the area under the blue graph from x₀-1 to x₁ is the total area of the ten rectangles that make up the shaded blue region. The area of one rectangle is its width * height, hence: area under blue graph = w₁h₁ + w₂h₂ + … + w₁₀h₁₀ Since they all have the same width, 1 unit wide, we can factor out the w's. area under blue graph = w(h₁ + h₂ + … + h₁₀) area under blue graph = h₁ + h₂ + … + h₁₀ Notice that the height of the first rectangle is f(x₀), the second rectangle is f(x₀+1), and so on. We can then substitute h with f(x): area under blue graph = f(x₀) + f(x₀+1) + … + f(x₁) This expression can be rewritten with the sigma notation. The Area Under the Black Curve Our next task is to find out the area under the black curve from x₀-1 to x. Fortunately, the area under a curve can be calculated with an integral. So: The Area of the Shaded Blue Region If you look closely, the shaded blue regions look like upside-down right triangles. Although this is not entirely true, it is a really good approximation, especially as x approaches large values. (Note: Δh is the height of one triangle) area of blue region ≈ ½⋅b₁Δh₁ + ½⋅b₂Δh₂ + … + ½⋅b₁₀Δh₁₀ area of blue region ≈ ½(b₁Δh₁ + b₂Δh₂ + … + b₁₀Δh₁₀) Since all of these triangles have the same base width, 1 unit wide, we can factor it out. area of blue region ≈ ½(Δh₁ + Δh₂ + … + Δh₁₀) The height of each individual triangle is the height difference between the rectangle below it and the rectangle to its left. Hence, the first triangle's height (Δh₁) is h₁-h₀, the second triangle's height (Δh₂) is h₂-h₁, and so on. (Note: hᵢ means the height of the i-th rectangle) area of blue region ≈ ½(h₁-h₀ + h₂-h₁ + … + h₁₀-h₉) Matching terms cancel each other out, leaving us with: area of blue region ≈ ½(h₁₀ - h₀) We can substitute h₁₀ with f(x₁) and h₀ with f(x₀-1). Formula Derivation Now we've got everything we need, so we only need to derive the final formula. area under blue graph = area under black curve + area of blue region We can substitute area under blue graph with the sigma notation we've derived, the area under black curve with the integral we've derived, and the area of blue region with the equation above. Chapter VI: Final Thoughts Dang, that was a journey and a half. I've tested this equation several times to check if I've made a mistake in my calculations. And I don't think I have. For example: Plugging in this formula on an inconspicuous-looking quadratic function with 50 as an upper bound returns a pretty good approximated value, with a 0.01% percentage difference. So, is this formula actually useful? I hope it is. I somewhat think that integrating a function is easier to do than adding 50 enormous numbers by hand. Nevertheless, I have not found any real-world usages for this formula, so maybe I'll leave that to you, the reader, to figure out for yourself. ;) Also, for now, try using this formula only on algebraic functions for intervals where the function keeps growing. I'm not sure if it works with trigonometric functions or algebraic function intervals which have negative gradients. Well, I guess that's all! Thanks for reading this long Peridot post. I hope you understand everything I wrote.
Discrete Sum Approximation content media
Sep 17, 2023
In Education & Study
A logarithm is an arithmetic operation in a three-way system: exponents, radicals, and logarithms. There are two ways to write a logarithm, which are logₐc and ᵃlogc. They mean the same thing, just with different notations. If we take a as a base, b as its exponent, and c as its result; then c is defined as aᵇ, a as ᵇ√c, and b as logₐc. This is the definition of a logarithm! There are, arguably, two basic identities of logarithms. The first one is logₐ1 = 0. This comes from the fact that any real number to the power of 0 will always equal 1. Secondly, logₐa = 1. This comes from the fact that any number to the power of 1 will always be equal to itself! You may encounter two logarithms that aren't written with the typical notation: one with e or 10 as its base. These numbers don't have any special property—they're just conventionally written differently. A logarithm with base e is written as "ln" and base 10 is just "log". There are a few stuff you can do to manipulate logarithms—I'll discuss three rules and seven properties of logarithms in this post. Keep the equations in the second paragraph in mind! Rule 1: the base of a logarithm must be a positive real number other than 1. logₐc = b, 0<a<1 or a>1 Logarithms with negative bases can get pretty ugly quickly. It can only be calculated with specific numbers, or else it'll return imaginary numbers. Since logarithms are used at the real number line, negative bases don't get used. 0, on the other hand, is a unique case. No matter what real number you exponentiate it to, it'll always return 0(?). So is the case with 1. Rule 2: the value inside a logarithm must be greater than 0. logₐc = b, c > 0 With our base being a positive number, no matter what real number our power is, we'll never get a value equal to or less than 0. Rule 3: the values inside of logarithms are equal if they have the same base. if logₐb = logₐc, then b = c Time for logarithm properties! Firstly, a^(logₐc) = c. How do we prove this? As we've seen at the beginning of this post, logₐc is just b. So, we can substitute that into the equation. a^b = c. Using the three equations in the second paragraph, we've proven that this property is true by definition! Next, logₐmn = logₐm + logₐn "Chat, is this real?" you may be asking yourself, or perhaps, "Source?". By exponentiating both sides with a as their bases, we get mn = a^(logₐm + logₐn). Using properties of exponents, we can split the right-hand term. mn = a^(logₐm) ⋅ a^(logₐn) Using the property from the previous paragraph, we can simplify the right-hand side of the equation into m⋅n. mn = m⋅n Woah, there you go: the L.H.S. is equal to the R.H.S.! Thirdly, logₐ(m/n) = logₐm - logₐn This is proven similarly to the previous property, so I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader. ;) Another one, logₐ(mⁿ) = n⋅logₐm If you think about it, mⁿ is just a repeated multiplication of m, n times! logₐ(mⁿ) = logₐ(m⋅m⋅m⋅...⋅m) Using the second property, we can split these m's into additions of logₐm's. logₐ(mⁿ) = logₐm + logₐm + ... + logₐm Do you see it? Repeated addition is just multiplication! Hence, the addition of logₐm n times is just logₐm times n! After that, logₐb = logₓb / logₓa Let's start with something simple. b = b We can turn the left-hand side b into a^(logₐb) using the first property. a^(logₐb) = b Then, we take the logarithm of both sides, with a new variable x as a base. logₓa^(logₐb) = logₓb Using the previous property, we can take the exponent out and turn it into a coefficient! logₐb ⋅ logₓa = logₓb With some basic algebra, we can turn this into the expression we started with! This has been, indeed, fact-checked by real math patriots. Finally, logᵤ‸ᵥ(mⁿ) = n/v⋅logᵤm To prove this property, we need to use the previous property. We can put our base and value (inside the L.H.S. logarithm) into two logarithms with base a, a sort of... "dummy" variable. logᵤ‸ᵥ(mⁿ) = logₐ(mⁿ) / logₐ(uᵛ) We can then take the n and v out so they become coefficients. logᵤ‸ᵥ(mⁿ) = (n⋅logₐm) / (v⋅logₐu) logᵤ‸ᵥ(mⁿ) = (n/v)⋅(logₐm / logₐu) Using the previous property once again, we can simplify (logₐm / logₐu) into logᵤm! logᵤ‸ᵥ(mⁿ) = (n/v)⋅(logᵤm) Hence, the property is proven! That's all I have for today! I think this might be my longest post in Peridot haha. Oh yeah, Ken requested this post. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!
Sep 10, 2023
In Education & Study
Considering the highly positive feedback on my previous post (100% like ratio), I've decided to make a follow-up! ...or is it a follow-down, since this chapter precedes the previous one? In 1820, Hans Christian Ørsted made a significant breakthrough in science. When he placed a compass near an electrical wire, the compass didn't point to north. It was then he discovered that there were magnetic fields around an electric current. Soon after his discovery, Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart discovered an equation to calculate this magnetic fields. (The Biot–Savart law involves integrals and complicated notations, so I'm not writing it down here.) In the late 19th century, Hendrik Lorentz derived an equation to calculate a force—which was aptly named Lorentz force—that acts on electric particles moving in a magnetic field. This force is perpendicular to the magnetic field and perpendicular to the object's velocity. The Lorentz force is calculated by adding up the external electric force (qE) with the magnetic force (qv × B). On an ideal particle, one that doesn't have its own electric and magnetic fields, the Lorentz force equation is given by the formula: F = q(E + v × B) The Lorentz force also works on an electrical wire carrying electricity in a magnetic field and two parallel electrical wires carrying electricity. Although, you don't see it in everyday life because the force is really, really small.
Sep 10, 2023
In Education & Study
The study of electromagnetic induction is based on two independent discoveries by Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry. Before I get into it, I'll explain three crucial terms which will be used in this post. 1. Electromotive force (EMF) is the same force generated by batteries, also known as voltage. EMF causes electrons to move around in a closed electric circuit. 2. Magnetic flux is the measure of how much magnetic field passes through a closed electric circuit. 3. Inductors are electrical components made of coils. These coils contain a magnetic field that opposes voltage change. Faraday stated that EMF is generated whenever a closed electrical circuit experiences a change in magnetic flux. He also stated that the EMF generated is directly proportional to the change in magnetic flux and the amount of loops in the circuit/coil. ε ~ dφ/dt ε ~ N Meanwhile, Henry stated that EMF is generated whenever a closed circuit experiences a change in electric current. The EMF generated is directly proportional to the change in current and the inductance of the inductor. ε ~ di/dt ε ~ L Several years after their discoveries, Emil Lenz stated a new law that predicts the direction of the EMF-induced current. He states that the electric current induced by EMF is such that it creates a magnetic field that opposes a change in magnetic flux. EM induction is used a lot in our lives, such as the electric outlets in your house! They're generated using a spinning electrical circuit in a magnetic field, which produces an alternating current of electricity that you use every day. So, the next time you watch TV, charge your laptop, or just turn on some lights... maybe you'll remember this post—how the great scientists of the 19th century discovered a new way to generate electricity when they decided to play around with magnets and wires.
May 25, 2023
May 19, 2023
In Education & Study
A limit is a value of a function as it approaches a certain point. To put it simply, let's say we have a sequence of numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, x, 6, 7, 8, 9. We'll let x be some undefined number; Nobody knows what it is because, well... it's not defined. But by looking at the sequence, we know it's probably 5. Well, that's kinda what limits are. The image below is the graph of: If you look at it, it's just like any other parabola... until you plug in x = 0. This will cause the denominator to become zero, and we know you can't divide by zero. Hence the hole. By eyeballing it, it's clear that the point looks to be (0,2), but that's not its actual value. That is the 'limit of the function as it approaches x equals zero'. Let's take a look at the following graph: This function does not have a limit as it approaches x equals zero. The limit is simply undefined. Why? For a limit to be deemed valid, it must end up at the same number whether you approach it from the negative or positive sides. Limits aren't only used to calculate the value of a non-continuous function. You can also use them to calculate the value of a function as it approaches infinity. Take a look at this graph: As our function gets closer to infinity, the value gets closer to zero. From this observation, we can conclude that 'the limit of this function as it approaches infinity is zero'. In this case, the x-axis is called an asymptote as the curve keeps getting closer to the x-axis, but they never truly touch. We can also use derivatives to compute limits with L'Hôpital's rule. L'Hôpital's rule state that: I can't think of anything else I should add, so I'll end it here. I hope this post is simple yet clear enough to make you understand limits. If you have any feedback, feel free to post it in the comments section. Good luck with your Calculus classes!
Limits content media
May 18, 2023
In Education & Study
Wouldn't it be much better if you could cross out dy/dx to become y/x? Unfortunately, that's not the case since our good friend Gottfried Leibniz decided that wasn't possible. Though, to be fair it's not his fault. A derivative is an expression representing the rate of change of a function with respect to an independent variable. Basically, it allows us to calculate the gradient—or steepness—of a line that touches a curve at a certain point. What does it mean for a line to "touch" a curve? Take a look at this image. Notice how the green line is parallel with the red curve at point A. From this information, we can conclude that the green line has the same steepness as the curve at point A. This steepness is measured with the derivative of either function at point A. Let's say a variable h exists that has a value of 3. Point B is 3 units to the right of point A. If we draw a line from point A to B, it has a certain gradient. This is not yet the exact steepness of the curve at point A since 3 is still too big. Let's try shrinking h down to 0.1. Now that points A and B are much closer, we're getting closer to our desired steepness. If we continue with this process, shrinking h down and down, we will eventually get the exact gradient of the curve at point A. This is how a derivative is defined. So, a derivative is the gradient of a curve, measured with two points that are close together: Point A whose coordinates are (x, f(x)) and point B whose coordinates are (x+h, f(x+h)). As the value of h approaches zero, our gradient will become more and more accurate until eventually, we get the steepness of the function at point A. We know that the gradient of a function is calculated by (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁), so if we substitute the coordinates of points A and B into this function, we get the formal definition of a derivative: I hope you guys enjoyed this brief introduction to derivatives. If you've got any questions, feel free to ask in the comments! I'll try to answer every question. Also, I'm open to feedback!
Derivatives content media
May 17, 2023
the weed level 🤣  content media
May 14, 2023
In Education & Study
Our eyes capture an image by focusing light onto the retina using our lens. So, what the heck does that mean? An object becomes visible when light rays bounce off of it. Although, the reflected light gets scattered in all directions. If our eyes did not have lenses, our retinas wouldn't be able to capture images since it would just be a blurry mess of scattered light rays. Our lens bends light rays by taking advantage of a property called refraction: When light passes through an object with a different refraction index, it changes directions. When our lens becomes more convex, the focus point will move closer toward our lens, and vice versa. This process is called accommodation. People with myopia usually have longer eyeballs: where light is focused on a normal person's retina, it will be focused in front of a myopic person's retina. Meanwhile, people with hypermetropia have short eyeballs; Therefore, the focus point would be located behind their retinas. In older people, farsightedness is usually caused by the stiffening of the lens. This condition is called presbyopia. Contrary to previously mentioned conditions, astigmatism is caused by the cornea instead of the lens.
May 09, 2023
In General
It`s Over. We have reached the end of an era. In all honesty, I have no idea why Ken decided to shut down the website. He told me about some bullshit ChatGPT wrote about this website being "not sustainable", but he also said that it costs him no money to keep it up. I don't know what he's on about, but I'm all for a Peridot relaunch. One thing I've noticed about him is that he isn't very good at focusing on a single project. I don't mean it as an insult though, I'm just afraid that he'll eventually abandon this platform. Peridot is probably one of my favorite things he's made, so it has a special place in my heart. For the past five months, I've been on-and-off posting on this website about stuff ranging from education, games, and other stuff. I'd usually use this platform to post things I'm passionate about yet reluctant to talk about on other platforms. I've also used this website a lot for its messaging system. So, I'm going to miss it while it's shut down. I'm excited to see what this platform will become. I wonder if he'll change the color or the name, even. I'm sure he has a lot of plans for this site. I have a dream that Peridot will grow to have a massive user base. Well then, see you all in the next world. I love you, guys.
May 03, 2023
In Gaming
This level was so insanely hard compared to the other ones lmfao Every single level before this I completed in less than or equal to two attempts but not this one!! This level just decided to be a bitch In total i think I finished it in 6 tries? Im never playing this again Good luck to yall trying to beat this I dont know how moms are so good at the game
Candy Crush Lv46 content media
Apr 22, 2023
In General
kinda late but better late than never !!
Mar 28, 2023
In Gaming
Man, I love this game. It was one of my favorite games to play when I was a child. Recently, I revisited it and it was as good as I remembered it to be, if not better. I remember installing this game on my grandma's phone back then and accidentally charging her a dollar (13k rupiahs), LMFAO! I'm going to talk about level S-10 in this post. This level was really fun to play. It's the second sandbox level in the El Porkado episode, and it mainly involves sliding on ice. Most of the vehicles you make here should be 1-block tall, since the gaps you have to fit through are really small. There are 20 stars you have to collect, with some of them being harder than the others. The main gimmick of this map are buttons that you have to power in order to toggle the hinges. Some things were kinda annoying to do since the physics were somewhat inconsistent. You could break your vehicle despite doing everything correctly, or you could get stuck on the ice despite using the same vehicle. Nevertheless, it was still a blast to collect all the stars. This was definitely one of the harder sandboxes to complete, but it's definitely not the hardest due to the abundance of items you get.
Mar 10, 2023
call me bad piggies the way im penetrating mountains content media
Feb 15, 2023
In Education & Study
Hydrolysis is the breaking down of molecules by water. This word is derived from two words: hydro and lysis. Hydro means water; lysis, in this case, refers to 'to disintegrate'. You're probably still wondering what in the world hydrolysis means. We know that ionic molecules, or salts, consist of cations and anions linked with an ionic bond. So when an ionic molecule is dissolved in water, it gets ionized into its respective cation and anion, and these ions get hydrolyzed by water. Anions of strong acids and cations of strong bases do not get hydrolyzed by water. They are not strong enough to form bonds with water ions, namely hydronium (H₃O⁺) and hydroxide (OH⁻). Therefore hydrolysis is separated into two categories: partial and total hydrolysis. Salts like NaCl, KBr, and CaSO₄ do not get hydrolyzed in water. Their ions are components of strong bases and acids. These salts have a neutral pH whenever they get dissolved in water. Salts like NH₄Cl and K₂CO₃ only get partially hydrolyzed in water. One of their ions makes up a strong acid/base, while the other ion makes up a weak base/acid. The ions which make up a weak base/acid will get hydrolyzed, and depending on the water ion formed, it can be an acidic or basic solution. A combination of a strong acid and a weak base will create an acid salt and vice versa. Finally, salts like NH₄F, CuCl₂, or ZnS completely get hydrolyzed in water. Both their cations and anions make up weak bases and weak acids. These salts can be acidic, neutral, or basic, depending on their acid (Ka) and base (Kb) constants. If a salt's acid constant is greater than its base, it is acidic, and vice versa. Additionally, if its acid equals its base constant, it is a neutral salt. Salt hydrolysis example: NH₄OH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NH₄Cl(aq) + H₂O(l) NH₄Cl(aq) ↔ NH₄⁺(aq) + Cl⁻(aq) NH₄⁺(aq) + H₂O(l) ↔ NH₄OH(aq) + H⁺(aq) I hope this post increased your knowledge of hydrolysis! I apologize if there are any notation, grammar, or spelling mistakes. I've researched various sources, so I hope none of the information presented here is false. If there is, I will immediately correct it.
Feb 14, 2023
In Education & Study
Electromagnetic waves are transversal waves that can propagate through a vacuum. They consist of two fields—an electric field and a magnetic field—that are perpendicular to one another. The radiation travels toward the direction of their cross-product. Electromagnetic waves are placed on a spectrum based on their frequency or wavelength. These are gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves consecutively. Electromagnetic waves have several properties. They can experience reflection, refraction, diffraction, polarization, dispersion, interference, and absorption.
Feb 12, 2023
why is there a floating skirt content media
Jan 25, 2023
In Photography
Today I went to a volcano. It's an active volcano but it's not in danger of erupting anytime soon. The mountain itself looks beautiful but I think I did a horrible job in taking its picture. The main problem is the fact that the whole thing is covered by fog. I believe the fog is coming for us all. This picture shows how much a simple natural phenomenon can take away from us; How limited our 2-dimensional vision is. It's incredible how such an immense mountain could disappear from our sight because of some fog. At the end of the day, despite all the fog, it was still a fun trip!
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